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Table 1 Longitudinal HRQoL (SF36) after discharge from ICU.

From: Health-related quality of life at 2, 6 and 12 months after critical illness - lessons learnt from a nationwide follow-up of 4,500 ICU admissions


Physical function

Role Physical

Bodily Pain

General Health


Social Function

Role Emotional

Mental health

2 mths (N = 1438)

50 (25-75)

0 (0-25)

52 (32-84)

54 (37-72)

45 (25-60)

63 (38-88)

33 (0-100)

72 (52-88)

6 mths (N = 1438)

65 (40-85)

25 (0-100)

62 (41-100)

57 (40-77)

55 (35-70)

75 (50-100)

100 (0-100)

80 (60-92)

12 mths (N = 1438)

70 (40-85)

25 (0-100)

62 (41-100)

57 (35-77)

55 (35-75)

75 (50-100)

100 (0-100)

80 (60-92