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Figure 2 | Intensive Care Medicine Experimental

Figure 2

From: Validation of computed tomography for measuring lung weight

Figure 2

Agreement and association between balance (balance post-exsang. ) and CT performed after exsanguination (CT post-exsang. ) for measuring lung weight. (A) Plot of individual differences between lung weights measured with balancepost-exsang. (reference) and CTpost-exsang. against their means. Dashed line refers to overall mean difference (bias), and solid lines correspond to 95% limits of agreement (mean difference ± 1.96 standard deviation). (B) Individual lung weights measured with balancepost-exsang. and CTpost-exsang., with line of identity [CTpost-exsang. lung weight = 22 + 0.96 × (balancepost-exsang. lung weight)].

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