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Fig. 6 | Intensive Care Medicine Experimental

Fig. 6

From: Comparison between effects of pressure support and pressure-controlled ventilation on lung and diaphragmatic damage in experimental emphysema

Fig. 6

Transmission electron microscopy of diaphragm tissue. Electron microscopy of the diaphragm muscle in control and emphysema animals ventilated with PCV and PSV, visualized under different magnifications. At low magnification, control animals exhibited muscle fiber composed of myofibrils separated in fascicles by the sarcomeres (arrows), containing a peripheral nucleus with regular chromatin and clusters of mitochondria arranged in the periphery or middle of the sarcoplasm (a, b, e, f). At high magnification, mitochondrial cristae are lightly irregular and distorted in control animals under PCV (i) and PSV (j). Prominent edema (asterisk) and irregularity of the mitochondrial cristae (hashtag) can be observed in emphysema animals under PSV (l) compared to emphysema animals under PCV (c,g) PSV (d,h,l) compared to emphysema animals under PCV (k). PCV pressure-controlled ventilation, PSV pressure support ventilation, Mit mitochondria, Nu nucleus

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