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Fig. 3 | Intensive Care Medicine Experimental

Fig. 3

From: Proliferation and differentiation of adipose tissue in prolonged lean and obese critically ill patients

Fig. 3

Enzymes involved in lipoxygenase PPARγ agonist production in lean and overweight/obese prolonged critically ill patients. Relative mRNA expression of ALOX5 in subcutaneous (a) and visceral (b) adipose tissue. Relative mRNA expression of ALOX15 in subcutaneous (c) and visceral (d) adipose tissue. Relative mRNA expression of ALOX15B in subcutaneous (e) and visceral (f) adipose tissue. Gene expression data are expressed normalized to RNA18S5 or GAPDH and as a fold change of the mean of the healthy controls. Light gray bar median and interquartile ranges of healthy controls (n = 20), white lean prolonged critically ill patients (BMI ≤25 kg/m2; n = 24), dark gray overweight/obese prolonged critically ill patients (BMI >25 kg/m2; n = 24) [*p ≤ 0.05 compared to healthy controls]

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