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Fig. 2 | Intensive Care Medicine Experimental

Fig. 2

From: A new way of monitoring mechanical ventilation by measurement of particle flow from the airways using Pexa method in vivo and during ex vivo lung perfusion in DCD lung transplantation

Fig. 2

Total accumulated particle mass (ng) measured by Pexa. a In vivo, b during different pulmonary flow, i.e., percent of cardiac output in ex vivo lung perfusion (EVLP), c during different ventilation settings in EVLP, d during exposure to different drugs injected into the EVLP circuit. Volume-controlled ventilation (VCV) with small tidal volumes 6–8 ml/kg, breathing frequency at 16, and PEEP at 2 (VCV1), VCV with large tidal volumes 10–12 ml/kg, breathing frequency at 16, and PEEP at 2 (VCV2), pressure-controlled ventilation (PCV) with small tidal volumes 6–8 ml/kg, breathing frequency at 16, and PEEP at 2 (PCV1), PCV with large tidal volumes 10–12 ml/kg, breathing frequency at 16, and PEEP at 2 (PCV2), PCV with large tidal volumes 10–12 ml/kg, breathing frequency at 16, and PEEP at 10 (PCV3)

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