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Table 1 Demographics and clinical characteristics

From: The physiological determinants of near-infrared spectroscopy-derived regional cerebral oxygenation in critically ill adults


Nested cohort (n = 43)

Median age (years, [IQR])

68 [58.5–79]

Male gender (no. [%])

29 [67]

 Admitting diagnosis (no. [%]):

  Respiratory failure

13 [30]

  Severe sepsis/septic shock

7 [16]


7 [16]


7 [16]


4 [9]


3 [7]




2 [5]

APACHE score (median, IQR)

20 [16–26]

 Co-morbidities (no. [%]):


19 [44]


24 [56]


14 [33]


11 [26]

  Active tobacco use

11 [26]

  Heavy alcohol use

5 [12]

 At time of enrolment (no. [%]):


41 [95]

  Vasoactive agents

24 [56]

ICU LOS (median [IQR])

7 [4–13]

ICU mortality (no. [%])

7 [16]

 Physiological variables (median [IQR]):

  MAP (mmHg)

73.77 [71.04–80.84]

  HR (bpm)

85.77 [73.82–99.79]

  PaCO2 (mmHg)

40.50 [35.20–44.75]

  PaO2 (mmHg)

86.25 [79.75–94.17]

  pH (mmHg)

7.37 [7.33–7.42]

  SpO2 (%)

96.34 [95.23–97.52]

  Hb (g/L)

102.67 [86.00–115.50]

  rSO2 (%)

68.41 [64.56–72.16]

  1. MAP mean arterial pressure, HR heart rate, PaCO2 arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide, PaO2 arterial partial pressure of oxygen, SpO2 arterial oxygen saturation, Hb hemoglobin, rSO2 regional cerebral oxygenation
  2. *Other included the following: drug overdose/withdrawal and acute kidney injury
  3. **Cardiac included the following: arrhythmia, prior myocardial infarction, prior cardiac arrest, known coronary artery disease, and/or congestive heart failure
  4. ***Respiratory included the following: asthma or COPD