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Table 2 Comparison and reliability between estimated and measured relative QS in the development cohort (n = 77)

From: Quadriceps handheld dynamometry during the post-ICU trajectory: using strictly the same body position is mandatory for repeated measures


Measured relative QS (N/kg)

Estimated relative QS (N/kg)

t-test p-value

ICC (95% CI)

Bias (limits of agreement)


5.9 [4.9–7.4]

5.8 [5.0–7.1]


0.91 (0.87–0.95)

− 0.12 (− 1.58–1.34)


4.4 [3.5–5.6]

4.5 [3.9–5.2]


0.73 (0.60–0.82)

0.01 (− 1.84–1.86)

  1. ICC: interclass correlation coefficient; QS: quadriceps strength
  2. Bias: mean of the differences between estimated and measured QS