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Fig. 3 | Intensive Care Medicine Experimental

Fig. 3

From: A closed-loop ventilation mode that targets the lowest work and force of breathing reduces the transpulmonary driving pressure in patients with moderate-to-severe ARDS

Fig. 3

Scatterplots of transpulmonary measurements of the relationship of A VT vs ΔPTP, B RR vs ΔPTP, C VT vs MPTP and D RR vs MPTP, and respiratory system measurements of E VT vs ΔPRS, F RR vs ΔPRS, G VT vs MPRS and H RR vs MPRS, with closed-loop ventilation and conventional ventilation. Each time point of the individual patient was characterized by a single data point. Horizontal and vertical lines represent the median for the corresponding value with conventional ventilation. This figure visualizes the relation between the variables, and for instance shows that higher VT does not necessarily translates in a higher ΔPTP (A) or MPTP (C) in individual patients. The horizontal and vertical lines based on median values in the current study create quadrants that could be used for interpretation of whether a certain combination is completely, or partially within safe zones of ventilation

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