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Table 1 Data on hemodynamic and ventilatory parameters before and after induction of lung injury during baseline

From: Assessment of ventilation inhomogeneity during mechanical ventilation using a rapid-response oxygen sensor-based oxygen washout method


Before acute lung injury

After acute lung injury


(n = 7)

(n = 7)

Heart rate (bpm)

84 (15)

126 (29)*

MAP (mmHg)

87 (8)

88 (10)

PaCO2 (kPa)

4.7 (0.5)

6.4 (0.5)*

PaO2 (kPa)

54.2 (4.0)

8.0 (4.3)*

Shunt (%)

10 (3)

52 (19)*

VD alveolar/VT alveolar (%)

28 (5)

44 (7)*

Compliance (mL/cm H2O)

22 (4)

10 (2)*


0.65 (0.12)

0.21 (0.02)*

Lactate (mmol/L)

0.9 (0.4)

0.9 (0.3)

  1. Data are means ± SD. *p < 0.05.