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Table 1 Demographic data and outcomes from septic patients included in the study

From: Modulation of monocytes in septic patients: preserved phagocytic activity, increased ROS and NO generation, and decreased production of inflammatory cytokines

Cohort of septic patients (n = 34)

Age [mean (SD)]

62.4 (19)

Gender [N (%)]


18 (52.9)


16 (47.1)

Stages of sepsis [N (%)]

 Severe sepsis

19 (55.9)

 Septic shock

15 (44.1)

SOFA score (D0)

5.5 (1–16)

In hospital mortality [N (%)]


30 (88.2)


4 (11.8)

Outcome accordingly to stage at enrollment [N (%)]

Severe sepsis


19 (100)


0 (0)

Septic shock


11 (73.4)


4 (26.6)

Sources of infection [N (%)]

 Respiratory tract

16 (47.1)


7 (20.6)

 Urinary tract

8 (23.5)


3 (8.8)

  1. SOFA sequential organ failure assessment