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Table 1 Characteristics of patients (n = 9)

From: HLA-DR expression in neonates after cardiac surgery under cardiopulmonary bypass: a pilot study


 Age (days)

12 [6–23]

 Weight (kg)

2.9 [2.0–4.0]

 Male, n (%)

7 (78%)

 Gestational age < 36 weeks, n (%)

2 (22%)

 Genetic abnormality, n (%)

0 (0%)

 Cyanotic congenital heart defects, n (%)

5 (56%)

 Lymphocyte cell count preoperatively (/mm3)

5350 [2000–7510]

Characteristics of surgery

 RACHS-1 score a

4 [3–6]

 Time on cardiopulmonary bypass (min)

164 [54–272]

 Aortic cross-clamp time (min)

85 [0–182]

 Hypothermia (20–28 °C), n (%)

5 (56%)

Characteristics during the PICU stay after surgery

 Use of corticoids during the first 48 h, n (%)

6 (67%)

 Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation support, n (%)

1 (11%)

 Delayed closure of sternum, n (%)

4 (44%)

 Peak Vasoactive-Inotropic score during the first 48 h b

11 [2–56]

 Positive fluid balance at day 2, n (%)

2 (22%)

 Acute kidney injury at day 2 c, n (%)

4 (44%)

 Lymphocyte cell count at day 2 (/mm3)

1830 [1100–4000]

 Time on mechanical ventilation (days)

4 [2–10]

 Nosocomial infection, n (%)

3 (33%)

 PICU length of stay (days)

8 [4–80]

 Death, n (%)

1 (11%)

  1. Data are expressed as medians (extremes values) or n (%)
  2. aRACHS-1 (Risk-Adjusted classification for Congenital Heart Surgery) score reflects procedure complexity (range, 1–6), with higher scores correlating with more complex surgery [15]
  3. bVasoactive-Inotropic score = (1 × dopamine [μg/kg/min] + 1 × dobutamine [μg/kg/min] + 100 × epinephrine [μg/kg/min] + 100 × norepinephrine [μg/kg/min] + 10 × milrinone [μg/kg/min] + 10,000 × vasopressin [U/kg/min]) [16]
  4. cAcute kidney injury is defined by using the pediatric-modified RIFLE criteria (“Failure” category) [17]