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Table 1 Septic shock patients’ characteristics (n = 7)

From: Intra-cellular lactate concentration in T lymphocytes from septic shock patients — a pilot study


73 [65–77]

Documentation of infection

Male sex

4 (57%)

 Clinics only

0 (0%)

Day 28 mortality

3 (43%)

 Clinics + imaging

1 (14%)


 Clinics + surgery

1 (14%)

SAPS II score

62 [56–65]


SOFA score

9 [8–12]

Microbiologically proved

5 (71%)

Charlson score

1 [0–3.5]


4 (80%)



1 (20%)

Norepinephrine dosage

At day 1 (μg/kg/min)

0.83 [0.54–1.78]



 Day 1

2.8 [2.3–3.8]

Mechanical ventilation

7 (100%)

 Day 3

1.6 [1.4–1.6]

Type of admission

Lymphocyte purity

76.5 [69.2–85.9]


2 (29%)

CD3 purity

97.3 [96.6–97.9]


5 (71%)


CD4 (%)

72.0 [59.9–80.9]

Type of infection

CD8 (%)

14.8 [11.0–26.5]


2 29%)

CD4−/8− (%)

3.1 [1.8–8.2]


5 (71%)


CD4 (/μL)

295 [220–413]

Site of infection

Treg (%)

7.7 [7.3–9.5]


2 (29%)



3 (43%)

mHLA-DR (ab/c)

3079 [2590–4010]


1 (14%)



1 (14%)

  1. SAPS II Simplified Acute Physiological Score II, SOFA sepsis-related organ failure assessment, Treg CD4 + CD25highCD127low regulatory T lymphocytes score, mHLA-DR monocyte surface expression of HLA-DR, ab/c number of antibodies bound per cell. Normal value for mHLA-DR is > 15,000 ab/c, indicative of immunocompetence (Docke, 2005). In-lab normal values for CD4+ T cells absolute count are 336–1126 cells/μL and 4–10% of total CD4+ lymphocytes for Treg. Values are expressed as number (percentage) for categorical variables and median [Q1–Q3] for continuous variables