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Table 1 Alveolar cellular effects of hypercapnia: summary of in vivo and ex vivo experiments on the effects of hypercapnia

From: The role of hypercapnia in acute respiratory failure


Experimental model

Applied CO2

Cellular effects

Broccard et al. [4]

VILI ex vivo (rabbit)

PaCO2 target 70–100 mmHg

HCA reduced microvascular permeability, lung edema formation, and BAL protein content

Yang et al. [20]

VILI in vivo (rat) and in vitro alveolar epithelial cells

PaCO2 target 80–100 mmHg

HCA attenuated microvascular leak, oxidative stress, and inflammation

Doerr et al. [65]

VILI/plasma wound resealing. Ex vivo (rat) and in vitro alveolar epithelial cell


Hypercapnia reduced plasma membrane resealing in vivo and in vitro

O’Toole et al. [8]

In vitro three cell respiratory lines

10, 15%

Hypercapnia reduced rate of wound closure (cell migration) via NF-κB pathway inhibition

O’Croinin et al. [17]

E. coli pneumonia (48 h). In vivo (rat)


Hypercapnia worsened lung injury induced by prolonged untreated E. coli pneumonia

Wang et al. [21]

Endotoxin stimulation. In vitro human and mouse macrophages

5, 9, 12.5, 20%

Hypercapnia inhibited macrophage phagocytosis

  1. HCA hypercapnic acidosis, VILI ventilator-induced lung injury, BAL bronchoalveolar lavage, NF-kB nuclear factor kappa B