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Table 1 Respiratory variables before the beginning of the 15-min ventilation recordings, means with 95%CI are presented

From: Six methods to determine expiratory time constants in mechanically ventilated patients: a prospective observational physiology study


PCV (n = 30)

VCV (n = 30)

VT (mL/kg/PBW)

7.1 [7.0–7.1]

7.1 [7.0–7.1]

RR (breaths/min)



MV (l/min)

6.7 [6.3–7.1]

6.6 [6.3–7.0]

PEEP (cmH2O)

7.0 [6.7–7.4]

7.0 [6.6–7.4]

PIP (cmH2O)

16 [15–17]

19 [18–20]



16 [15–17]

dP (cmH2O)


8.7 [8.2–9.2]

CRS (mL/cmH2O)

48 [44—51]

52 [48—56]

RI (cmH2O/L/s)

14.2 [11.8–18.4]

6.8 [5.6–8.8]

RE (cmH2O/L/s)

13.7 [13.1–14.3]

12.9 [12.3–13.5]

  1. CRS respiratory system compliance, dP driving pressure, MV minute ventilation, n number, N/A not applicable, PBW predicted body weight, PCV pressure-controlled ventilation, PEEP positive end expiratory pressure, PIP peak inspiratory pressure, PPLAT inspiratory plateau pressure, RR respiratory rate, RI inspiratory airway resistance, RE expiratory airway resistance, VCV volume-controlled ventilation, VT tidal volume. CRS, RI and RE values were computed from recorded waveforms using data acquisition device (DR WAVE®, Quadrus Medical Technologies, NY, USA). Values are displayed as means/medians with 95% confidence intervals