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Table 2 EEG as a neuro-prognostic marker in animal models

From: Electroencephalographic monitoring of brain activity during cardiac arrest: a narrative review


Prognostication markers


Kim et al. [32]

- EEG1

- Carotid blood flow

Time-domain magnitude and entropy measures of EEG1 correlated with the change of CBF2

Kim et al. [7]


An EBRI3 model showed excellent performance

Kim et al. [33]


Non-invasive EEG1-based automated screening of CBF2 recovery has the potential for real-time feedback of cerebral circulation during CPR4

Choi et al. [34]

- EEG1

- EtCO25

EBRI3 was successfully obtained during resuscitation and had a statistically moderate correlation with EtCO25

Caballero et al. [35]


BIS monitoring values showed correlation with values of mean arterial pressure and EtCO25

Rees et al. [36]


The product of EtCO2 and BIS is correlated with cerebral perfusion pressure

  1. 1EEG = electroencephalography; 2CBF = cerebral blood flow; 3EBRI = EEG-based brain resuscitation index; 4CPR = cardiopulmonary resuscitation; 5EtCO2 = end-tidal carbon dioxide; 6BIS™ = Bispectral index